Becky Ruth
State Representative District 114
Paid for by Committee To Elect Becky Ruth Alex Schwent, Treasurer

I am Pro-Life
Pro- 2nd Amendment

Bringing New Jobs and Industry to Jefferson County:
I fully support the continued development of the Jefferson County Ports as they will bring much needed jobs and industry to our area. By opening up ports in Jefferson County, we will be able to increase both industrial and commercial businesses which in essence will bring new jobs and economic growth as the ports are developed and come on-line. I am committed to fighting for funding for our ports.
I believe in helping small businesses grow by reducing red-tape and making it easier to do business in Jefferson County. We need to remove stifling regulations. Our small businesses are the back-bone of our communities. As a Realtor, I am a business owner and understand the demands placed on businesses and what it takes to succeed.
Continuing to Provide a Quality Education :
As a retired teacher, I have seen first-hand the need to make changes to the way education is handled not only in Jefferson County, but statewide. I advocate reducing the role of government in education by eliminating mandates handed down from both the federal and state government without the funding to go with those mandates.
I believe strongly in restoring local control to our school districts. I support strong accountability systems for local school districts but with less emphasis on accountability systems that soley use high stakes testing. Students, parents. and school districts need to be held accountable using multi-criteria accountability systems.
True education reform needs to be done with input from those that work with students every day. Departments within our state government need to partner with our citizens to improve services.
In our state budget, education needs to be a priority, and I have fought for and helped to fully fund the foundation formula for our local school districts.